Try Using Test Closes First

Try Using Test Closes First

Closing a commercial real estate deal involves a series of small commitments before you get the big commitment at the end of the process. These little commitments are sometimes referred to as “miniature closes.” By simply agreeing to meet you, a prospect makes a mini...
Patience During First Meetings

Patience During First Meetings

I talk a great deal about prospecting and closing deals, but there’s something in the middle of the process that’s also quite important: the time when you make your pitch. Whether you’re trying to get a new listing or convince someone to buy/lease a property, at some...
Multiple Decision Makers

Multiple Decision Makers

The process of securing listings and selling properties is easiest when you have one person to deal with and that person believes in you and likes what you say. But commercial real estate brokers do complex, high-dollar-value, B2B deals. That means there are often...