Friendships with Competitors

Friendships with Competitors

Some of my favorite people to hang out with work in the same profession I do. In other words, I’m friends with a lot of my competitors. It makes sense if you think about it. People who compete with each other have many of the same interests. But friendships with...
Surviving Fast Sales Cycles

Surviving Fast Sales Cycles

A construction executive once told me how the job-bidding process has changed in his industry. It used to be that a company would announce plans to build a building before hiring a general contractor. The construction company would then make contact with the owner and...
I See You Everywhere

I See You Everywhere

The most successful brokers tend to work long and hard. A significant chunk of those hours is typically dedicated to prospecting activities: networking, making phone calls, placing outbound emails, responding to calls/emails, hosting guests, visiting people who...